World of children is a world full of games and excitement. They are always enthusiastic and spirited, if invited to attend a game. Moreover, if a game is something that new for them.
Kaulinan in Kids Club, children will be invited to attend the various games which is a combination of physical exercise, and mental acumen. In game-play, the children ditantang ability to recruit in socializing, and working together to solve problems both individually, as well as a team.
After the game, children will be invited to attend some activities that go back to nature theme. One example is "ngabedahkeun pond or drain the pond and catch fish.
Here are some of the games and activities that can be followed by children who follow Kaulinan Kids Club.
Kaulinan in Kids Club, children will be invited to attend the various games which is a combination of physical exercise, and mental acumen. In game-play, the children ditantang ability to recruit in socializing, and working together to solve problems both individually, as well as a team.
After the game, children will be invited to attend some activities that go back to nature theme. One example is "ngabedahkeun pond or drain the pond and catch fish.
Here are some of the games and activities that can be followed by children who follow Kaulinan Kids Club.
- Tambang pull over mud
- Forward Backward sack race
- Racing clog
- Carry strap Use Bola
- In Mangambil ball restraint
- Cross obstacles (Bamboo)
- Not capture
- Fish catch
- Mananam Rice (Tandur)
- Irrigated rover
Destination activities above is to provide insight about the nature and the environment, and train children to be able to work together in groups.
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