Seven Miracle World (Komodo National Park)



Seven Miracle World (Komodo National Park)

After ranking in the previous 12 for category E (forrest, national park, natural réservés), now National Park Komodo (Komodo National Park) which is the Indonesian representative in place "The miracle of" the position melorot one level to the sequence of 13.

Indonesia business need a more harder to be able to place representatives that, most are not on the order to-11. To become one of the 77 superior, Komodo Park must have at least 11 ranks in that category.

Although akan face of heavy competition, and most do not have to raise the level two more, not mean that Indonesia already have no hope. Voting to determine the 7 keajabian the world will still be held before the decision in September 2009 later on.

From 261 candidate divided the category 7 akan diciutkan into the top 77 candidates. From that number and then filtered again to 21 or three top candidates of each category. Next will be considered by the foundation to become a Foundation New7wonder Seven World latest miracle.

Therefore, the Indonesian citizens wherever located: Javanese, Sundanese, Batak, Madurese, Malay, Papua, and others ... let's together support the Komodo National Park is in the Flores NTT to become one of the seven wonders of the world.

If our representatives can be entered in the "miracle 7 World", not only the people of NTT are pleased, of course all of Indonesia will also participate proud. When the Borobudur temple in Magelang, Central Java, failed to maintain its position in the "miracle 7 World" in 2007, not only of Central Java are disappointed, but (almost) all citizens also participate in the mouth. So do not fool wasted this opportunity.

Remember, an email can only be used to select one time for multiple categories. Return your support here.

Bubu Awards 2009 Competition Blog Komodo National Park


Bubu Awards 2009: Competition Blog Komodo National Park


Sub Themes:

1. Komodo National Park as a regional destination ekowisata that is unique and one - one in the world (World Heritage - UNESCO).

2. Komodo National Park nominated as the New7Wonders of Nature

Participants Criteria: General (student, students & the general public, WNI)

Participant requirements:

1. Scan Up Photo (color)

2. Scan ID Card / Identity Arts.

3. Register online at which will be opened on the date 22 April 2009 and the results of the paper at the latest 18 June 2009.

More information can be seen in and open to the blogger. Competition will be held on 30 July 2009, at the Jakarta Convention Center.

Kaskus as media partner Bubu Awards get an invitation to attend a Press Conference held in Gdg. BPPT II Lt.3, Dept. Research and Technology, Jl. MH. Thamrin No.8, Jakarta Pusat.

"Optimistic: Industrial Digital Indonesia akan grow 100% Up to 2010", this is the case presented by the CEO of PT Prime Creative Bubu (, Shinta Dhanuwardoyo. This theme was the impact of the global crisis that makes the business / company should find alternative ways of marketing them to a cheaper through the internet and other digital media. Bubu and take this opportunity in the use of digital media and online marketing as a tool bantu. This is what makes the V.06 Bubu Awards this year to create competition with the theme The Rise of the Digital Era.

Press Conference is to be greeted by both the Minister of State RISTEK and Technology, Bpk. Kusmayanto Kadiman and Bpk. Indra Utayo as Director of IT Telkom as the invitation to attend. Following quote from Mr.. Kusmayanto Kadiman, "India is still growing in the global crisis, but the Indonesian government is optimistic this year 2009 is the year's creative." He considers that, with this competition diadakannya creativity that provides a positive for the community. Mr. Indra Utoyo from Telkom also fully support this competition. The design of the V.06 Bubu Awards this will then become the property of Telkom applied for by the telecommunications company.

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Komodo Island awaits miracle Log In Seven New World

Why Visit Indonesia Year 2008?

Posted on April 16th, 2009 under Kwaku. Tags: Blog Competition, Bubu Awards, Indonesia, Komodo Island, Komodo National Park, The New World miracle. RSS 2.0 feed. Leave a response, or Trackback.

World Figure Komodo National Park

On natural resources management OF AREA

On natural resources management OF AREA

4.1 OPTIONS Management

Device management to cope with threats includes the device and biological

ecological, such as the rehabilitation of the area, habitat improvement, translokasi, catching species

exotic, disease control, etc.. Antropogenik threat can be managed through

zoning, regulations, enforcement of regulations, education, and economic development alternatives.

Decisions about where a suitable device should be based on a number of factors, including

ecological consequences, feasibility, opportunities for success, and cost. Decisions are often

can not be made alone, but require input from other sources, including

experts, Government District, and the local community. The management of TNK Options


• Increased enforcement of the rules and cross-sectoral coordination

• The implementation of the program long-term biological monitoring

• Implementation of long-term monitoring program for the utilization of resources

• The implementation of zoning regulations and the device is clearly

• Improved management of tourism and management of income from tourism

• The compressor hookah and other types of equipment damage

• Development of a loan system that is easy for the fishermen was conducted to reduce

Dependence on the middleman

• effective dialogue between the groups or people associated with the particular problem

• Implementation of the exclusive rights for the region

• Protection pemijahan overall top place in the zone without harvesting

• Development of economic activities that are suitable and profitable

• Implementation of public awareness campaigns and education konsevasi

4.1.1. Co-management of the Local Government and Local Community

The relationship between protected areas, government agencies and local communities is a key factor for long-term conservation of natural resources and habitats in and around

area. In order for the government and local communities to become effective partners in pengelolaanbersama, need to give them information and skills necessary to

take decisions about environmental issues. Government and society need to get information and fully realize the impact of environmental events

involve them. To implement co-management approach, need structured

new structure. Stuktur terebut should include a Joint Board of Management, the Board of Tourism Together, the Board and a Stakeholder Society. Input from all stakeholders akan

obtained through the council-chamber is sercara formal.

Special attention should be given to the two districts (Bima and Manggarai) to ensure that all activities coordinated. System-management should be applied together with the local government is responsible for around cities, such as Labuan Bajo, Sape and Bima. City functions as the nearest station (gate towns) for the flow of visitors to National Park. They can be developed into tourist centers

own. Local government should give special attention to the development of the city, which must be in accordance with the overall development plan of the National Parks, especially if they wish to obtain optimum benefit from the national park visitors. 26

National Park Authority have various responsibilities and obligations. To

National Park management to ensure effective and efficient, may need to be

privatization certain functions, such as tourism management. This will help provide resources to implement all the required management activities and ensure a high level of professionalism.

Because the National Park includes components for land, sea and beach, is required

the involvement of many ministries and government institutions. In addition, the coordination of all related integration allows the management of land and sea ecosystems better.

Activities of the Department of Marine exploration, the Ministry of Finance, Ministry

Housing, the Environment Ministry, Regional Development Planning Department, Ministry of Home Affairs, Departeman Transportation Agency, Communications, TNI Angkatan Laut, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Governor of NTT, NTB Governor, Bupati Bima and Manggarai, all need to be coordinated with the Ministry of Forestry and Agriculture.

4.1.2. Management Adaptif

Maintenance of ecological systems and security for long-term sustainable utilization of species on

valuable and threatened economic development depends on the ability to provide a response

appropriate. The ability to provide the appropriate response depends on the availability of information.

Monitoring activities conducted in TNK to supply the data needed to

evaluate the effectiveness of management actions and to take steps

adaptation strategies or the management regulations. TNK need to implement a strategy

adaptive management that, with adjustments to the rules and steps

management based on the latest information from the field. Park resource management

National need for effective information about the distribution, size, composition and

trends in the development of species terestrial and water. The following disjoint

methods of collecting data suggested. Environment variables that

previously has not been measured regularly in the program to enter data

periodically. Although some data have been collected terestris, but still need structured procedure

terestris the data storage.


4.2.1 Animal Census Terestris

Transek census routes need to be made, and each transek measured with the meter, the correction

slope adjustment is necessary. Transek need to be made along approximately 2 km. Census

needs to be done separately for arboreal animals (Anakan Komodo) and land animals (Komodo dragons, deer,

wild buffalo, horses, wild pig, turtle and bird burn). The order of channels and the types of census must

made random. Census day should be started early after dawn and dusk census day started less

15:30 hours more.

Animal density is calculated based on the total area disensus. Total area of disensus

is the number of surveys per line multiplied by the length and width of plot lines observed. Plot

observed varies according to species, and should be counted based on the average distance from the position

observation (the distance from the straight path to the animals) when the animal is seen or heard. 27

Index must be calculated for the measurement of trace. Comparison of data between years should be made to identify trends in population growth and composition. Data should

used for preparing the modification of the procedure.

4.2.2 Vegetation Monitoring

Plot-permanent plot vegetation need to be put on a different habitat types (mangrove forest, savanna, monsoon forest, cloud forest kuasi). Where possible all trees that have

breast diameter of 10 cm in need are identified and given a special identification number with the permanent label. Label aluminum nails with aluminum be small. Please ekolog professional assigned to draft plot, the size, shape, number, and

location, taking into account the level and diversity of an area of logistics and financial constraints. For statistical purposes, at least, need to plot the five prepared for each habitat type. Plot-plot should be monitored once a year to get a snapshot of the mortality rate, permudaan, and growth.

Distribution and size of the overall types of primary vegetation should be monitored every year. This can

conducted using Landsat or aerial photo, transek the air, or by running

habitat along the edge with a GPS. All data collected should include in

a GIS system for comparison from year to year. Savanna into forest succession,

especially, need to be monitored, because the prey species depends on the existence of the Komodo savanna.

4.2.3 Environmental Monitoring

Environmental factors directly mempengarahi levels and vegetation growth

of animals, and very influential in determining the distribution patterns and diversity. Climate should

monitored every day. Minimum and maximum temperature and humidity levels should be noted from

weather station placed in a different habitat (mangrove forest, savanna, forest

monsoon, a cloud forest kuasi) in Komodo and Rinca. Total rainfall measured in need of tools

rain gauge placed in the open. Quality of water (sea and fresh) should be measured

regularly. Simple chemical test device is provided for monitoring the need to outline


Overall environmental quality can be assessed from there / not there (one-zero sampling) indicator

simple round transek. These include humidity indicator (lumut, epifit, plants

Rambat or hang up) and the interference indicator (fallen trees, the former fell, waste or other antropogenik impressions), and soil and canopy closure, tree size, tree density, etc.. Quality is measured relative to other locations from the same habitat that has high quality. Comparisons can also be done between the years for one transek. Need to be ekolog

professionals to prepare environmental monitoring procedure.

4.2.4 Monitoring Coral Reefs

A coral reef monitoring program conducted at this time to provide information

on Temporal and spatial pattern of the status of coral reefs and coral reef rehabilitation in the

and outside the region, with a focus on changes in the percentage of coral reef

damaged. Coral reef surveys (in 185 locations, - see Gb. 7) is conducted every two years,

allows the mapping of the damage is due to destructive fishing and causes


other. This information provides feedback about the influence of management actions and

rehabilitation of coral reefs. All sampling sites have coral reefs with a depth

between 4 to 12 meters. All locations surveyed in a manner snorkeling (4 m deep) and

the dive (as deep as 8 m and 12 m). Five observations made at each depth

and each observation lasted four minutes. After each swim four minutes,

observers estimated the percentage of records (size of minimum 5%) of the four habitat categories (total


• live hard coral,

• die hard coral,

• soft coral,

• other (stones, sand, sponge, tunicata, alga, weeds, anemona, shells, etc.).

For each diving or snorkeling, the following information is recorded on standard data sheets

(UW): date, place the number, location (GPS), depth and the name of the observer. Schedule

collecting data at this time are 12 places per week, two (or more) weeks observation

coral reef per month, and at least 24 places are covered each month. Total survey

mermerlukan 8 to 9 months. For the 185, done about 2775 observations on the

status of coral reefs during the period of 2 years. Hard coral mortality coefficients are calculated

for each place.

The percentage of the average of all the habitat category and mortality coefficients average calculated for

the wider region, which have assumed different environmental conditions and the level

due to the impact of different fishing activities. The average is calculated with the entire area

using input from the average of all the dives each covering five

observation. For statistical analysis the average is ditransformasi arc-sine (%), and

Analysis variants used to calculate the statistical significance level of differences between time.

Based on the data, coral reef recovery is faster outside the National Park

than in the National Park. Overall impairment in the coral reef

TNK turns around and has stopped since 1996 and the restoration slowly (2%

per year for the closing of hard corals) has started. Most likely this is the result

from the sharp decline in activity using dynamite fishing in the area since this year

1996. Coral recovery was most rapid near the place where such activities

security, namely in the city of Labuan Bajo, outside the National Park boundary. Recovery usually

more slowly in the National Park, especially in more remote places that are difficult to observe.

Potential management responses on the results of monitoring are:

• Revise zoning regulations and TNK, if required, reflecting the impact of activities

utilization of the coral reef and eliminate or reduce the damage

(for example, the allocation of a certain place for dive tourism, fishing fish, protection

, Or other tujuhan),

• adjustment program peratuan the allocation of enforcement effort is reviewed in terms of space and / or

time (the adjustment control routine) to protect areas at risk, and

• identification and location of the implementation of activities in places that require management

Active for the rehabilitation of coral reefs.



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Sumba Tour 5 - 5 days / 4 nights

Sumba Tour 5 - 5 days/4 nights SUMBA EXOTIC TOURS ab/bis Bali

Art.Nr.: PD-01052

649,00 €

Sumba Tour 5 - 5 days/4 nights



Pick up by local Guide , transfer to Monalisa Cottages for Lunch, afternoon Visit: Prai Ijing Village, Tarong and Waitabar , local market and Algadri Art shop, return to Hotel for dinner and Overnight.

DAY.02.WAIKABUBAK-WANOKAKA - MAROSI BEACH ( Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner )

After breakfast at Hotel, Proceed for a full day tour to WANUKAKA . on the way we will make a short stop at LAPALE for enjoying the fantastic widest rice field view with Wanukaka beach background. We continue to the KAMPUNG WAIGALI to see the SKULL TREE is dedicated to the war merapu and was used as the altar for the rites following head hunting . Proceed to PASOLA field at LAIHURUK. next visiting to KAMPUNG PRAYGOLY to see the oldest stone grave called "Watu Kajiwa " which believe as their ancestor's boat. Proceed to LAMBOYA and stop at KADENGAR Village located on the hilly area . Lunch box provided at MAROSI BEACH . after lunch you have time for swimming or relax . Afternoon return to Hotel. Dinner and overnight at( MONALISA COTTAGES or similar.

Day.03.WAIKABUBAK - KODI FULL DAY TOUR - NEWA RESORT ( Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner )

After breakfast at Hotel the trip forward to KODI on west part of Waikabubak for 2 hours drive and visit Bondo Kodi Pronabaroro to see the greatest stone grave and the traditional west sumbanese houses , then walk along through the beautiful and quite beaches to cross the river ( if the water in low tide ) to visit WAINYAPU Village as another west of Sumbanese traditional village with its traditional thatched roof houses and highest towering ( 10 meters ). Lunch Box is provided . Return to hotel for check in at: NEWA RESORT . Evening Dinner and overnight .

DAY.04.NEWA RESORT - KETEWEL HALF DAY TOUR ( Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner )

After breakfast at Hotel, , drive to Katewel to see the local people how they process salt , visit Local Market in Waitabula, Waikelo harbor, return to Hotel For Lunch, afternoon free your own to relax in the Beach, dinner and overnight at Hotel.


After breakfast at Hotel, free at leisure until time to transfer to Airport for flight to Denpasar.

INCLUDING Private air-condition car or Non Air-conditions mini bus , English speaking guide, Accommodation base on twin share, Meals (Breakfast, Lunch / lunch box, Dinner) , Entrance fee and donation fee, flight from/to Denpasar

Komplettpreis pro Person bei min 2 Personen 649.00 Euro

Bali - Komodo / Flores Tauchreise 14 Nächte inkl 20 Tauchgänge - Tauchreise Komodo Flores Indonesien

Bali - Komodo / Flores Tauchreise 14 Nächte Frühstück 20 Tauchgänge

Art.Nr.: PD-01538

959,00 €

Bali - Komodo / Flores Tauchreise 14 Nächte inkl 20 Tauchgänge

Inhalt dieses Paketes


14 Nächte Bali - Flores Tauchreise

Tauchen im Komodogebiet

Transfer Denpasar - Padang Bai/Candidasa

7 Nächte mit Frühstück

5 Tauchtage/ 10 Tauchgänge

Transfer Padang Bai - Airport Denpasar + Flug Labuhan Bajo Flores

7 Nächte mit Frühstück Labuhan Bajo

5 Tauchtage/ 10 Tauchgänge mit Reefseekers

Flug Labuhan Bajo - Denpasar/Bali Transfer Kuta

1 ÜF Kuta

Transfer Airport Denpasar

Padang Bai

Hier können wir euch Unterkünfte anbieten, z.B das Puri Rai Padan Bai

Padang Bai ist ein einfaches Fischerdorf mit einigen Restaurants und Kneipen direkt am Strand.

An beiden Seiten des Dorfes gibt es 2 wunderschöne Buchten, die sich hervorragend zum Relaxen und Schnorcheln eignen.

In Padang Bai findet ihr hauptsächlich sehr einfache Unterkünfte.

Das Puri Rai sticht hier eindeutig hervor, es gehört zu dem besten Anlagen im Ort.

Eine nette Hotelanlage in mitten eines weitläufigen Garten mit zwei Pool's, Zimmer mit Klimaanlage/Deckenventilatoren.

Golo Hill Labuhan Bajo Flores

weitere Resorts wie das Eco Lodge, Puri Komodo, Gardena etc sind auf Wunsch verfügbar


Zimmer mit Klimaanlage

Zimmer mit Ventilator


Die Zimmer sind in einem schönen Garten eingebettet

Atemberaubender Blick über die Bucht von Labuan Bajo mit ihren vielen Inseln

sowie fantastischen Sonnenuntergängen

Nur 5 Minuten zu Fuss bis zum Strand

Das Hotel Golo Hill Top mit spektakulärem Blick über Labuan Bajo liegt etwa 10 min zufuss

vom Ortskern Labuhan Bajo und dem Dive Center Reefseekers entfernt.

Tauchen Komodo

Das Dive Center von Reefseékers liegt in Labuan Bajo, einem kleinen Fischerdorf am Fusse der Berge an der Westküste von Flores.

Reefseekers ist der Eingang zu einer unvergesslichen Unterwasserwelt an den besten Schnorchel- und Tauchgründen der Welt.

Mit seinen vielen kleine Inseln, Vulkanen, den Komodo Waranen, Flughunden, Wasserfällen, endlosen Wäldern, Höhlen uvm ist diese Gegend eines der letzten wirklichen Abendteuer.

Eine solche Flora und Fauna werdet ihr nirgendwo sonst finden, nicht zu vergessen die sehr freundlichen und hilfsbereiten Menschen dort.

Mit ihren 15 Jahren Erfahrung werden Kath und Ernest sowohl Anfängern als auch sehr erfahrenen Tauchern unvergessliche Eindrücke vermitteln in dieser einmaligen Welt um Flores und dem grossen Komodo National Park Gebiet.

Um die Dive Sites zu erreichen gibt es die Möglichkeit, ein 2 motoriges Speedboot zu nutzen, welches in 30-60min alle Tauchgebiet erreicht oder das traditionelle Schiff, welches mindestens 90 min benötigt.

Je nach Wahl mit dem Speedboot oder traditionellem Schiff geht es zu den Tauch-Gebieten deiner Wahl, wo es einige Infos zum Riff vom Divemaster und eine kurze Orientierungseinführung gibt.

Danach geht es in das kristallklare Wasser und der Divemaster wird euch durch die atemberaubende Unterwasserwelt führen.

Da wir in diesem Gebiete als Besucher sind, erwarten wir von unseren Gästen, das sie die Natur wie ihr eigenes zuhause behandeln und die Unterwasserwelt wie eine Einladung zu einem guten Freund ansehen und diese dementsprechend respektieren.

Es ist ausdrücklich verboten, Dinge unter Wasser anzufassen oder mitzunehmen, möchtet ihr ein Sovenier aus diesem Gebiet, so fangt es bitte mit eurer Unterwasserkamera ein.

Wir danken euch vielmals für euer Verständnis, das wir dieses unvergleichbare Gebiet gern für die Ewigkeit so erhalten möchten.

Ausser im Februar, wo es starke West-Stürme geben kann, die es unmöglich machen, die Tauchgebiete zu erreichen, können sie hier immer tauchen. Die Wassertemperatur liegt je nach Gebiet bei 24 - 31 Grad, es können aber immer kalte Strömungen auftreten, die das Wasser im Süden bis auf 16 Grad abkühlen lassen. Deswegen solltet ihr mindestens einen 3mm, besser einen 5mm Anzug tragen, oft bevorzugen wir noch eine 3mm Weste darüber, das ist natürlich abhängig von eurer Kälteempfindlichkeit.

Tauchen ab Padang Bai

Candi Dasa und Padang Bai

Die Amuk Bay vor Padang Bai - auch Blaue Lagune genannt - bietet ein flaches gemischtes Reef mit Sandboden sowie einigen Reefwänden, gute Korallen- und Fischvielfalt. Es ist einfach zu erreichen und sehr abwechslungsreich - auch für Anfänger geeignet. Die Inseln vor Candi Dasa - Tepekong, Gili Mimpang und Gili Biaha bieten excellente Tauchgänge mit einem sehr hohem Fischreichtum und Fischvielfalt - hier kann man auch besonders bei Neu- und Vollmond mit vielen Großfischen rechnen. Aufgrund der starken Strömungen und Unterströmungen ist das Wasser hier etwas kühler und die Divesite erfordern gute Tauchkenntnisse.

Cemeluk und Tulamben

Teluk Cemeluk in der Nähe von Amed bietet ein Küstenreef mit Hängen, Ebenen und Wänden. Es ist sowohl vom Strand direkt zu erreichen oder alternativ mit einem Boot (ca. 5Min.). Die Strömung sind hier eher gering. Die Korallen insbesondere die Hardkorallen werden als hervorragend bezeichnet ebenso die Fischvielfalt. Das Schiffwarck in Tulamben ist ein Highlight von Bali und lädt zum unbegrenzten Photoshooting ein. Es ist sehr einfach vom Strand aus zu erreichen und die Fische sind sehr an den Menschen gewöhnt und somit zutraulich. Ferner bietet Tulamben eine hervorangende Wand zum Tauchen mit riesigen, farbenprächtigen Gorgonien.

Nusa Pendia

Die Tauchgebiete rund um Nusa Pendia und Lembongan Islands erfordern eine lange Bootanreise. Am schnellsten geht es mit dem Speedboat (ca. 1,5 Stunden). Hier erwarten uns Drop-off Dives. Man muss mit starken Strömungen und auch kalten Unterströmungen rechnen. Dieses Tauchgebiet ist nur für erfahrende Taucher zu empfehlen. Die Fisch - und Korallenvielfalt ist excellent.

Flores Puri Komodo ANAM EMERALD RESORT Komodo - Rinca + Flores Rundreise 10 Nächte

Flores Puri Komodo ANAM EMERALD RESORT Komodo - Rinca + Flores Rundreise 10 Nächte Labuhan Bajo - Maumere - Sea World Club

Art.Nr.: PD-01560

ab 680,00 €

Flores Puri Komodo ANAM EMERALD RESORT Komodo - Rinca + Flores Rundreise 10 Nächte

Inhalt dieses Paketes


10 Nächte Flores Special Puri Komodo ANAM EMERALD RESORT

Besuch Komodo - Rinca + Flores Rundreise

Transfer Labuhan Bajo - Privat-Insel Puri Komodo ANAM EMERALD RESORT

2 Nächte Puri Komodo ANAM EMERALD RESORT mit 2 Touren zu den Waranan davon:

1 Tagesausflug mit dem Speedboot nach Komodo

1 Tagesausflug mit dem Speedboot nach Rinca

Transfer Labuhan Bajo und 4 Tagetour Flores inkl Übernachtungen in Ruteng, Bajawa + Moni

Die Tour endet in Waiara wo ihr 5 Nächte im Sea World Club wohnt

Transfer Waiara - Flughafen Maumer

Puri Komodo ANAM EMERALD RESORT ist eine sehr gepflegte Privat Insel mit 18 schönen Bungalows mit Fan, eigenem Bad und Terrasse.

Die gesamte Anlage ist sehr grosszügig bepflanzt und angelegt.

Die Insel besitzt einen langen weissen Sandstrand und eine sehr schoene Unterwasserwelt zum Schnorcheln.

Ihr werdet von uns in Labuhan Bajo mit dem Speedboot abgeholt und erreicht Puri Komodo in etwa 15 Minuten.

Von hier erreicht ihr Komodo und Rinca auf denen die Warane leben in etwa 60 Minuten.

Explore Flores Tour 1, 3 Nächte/4Tage

1. Tag:

Ein freundlicher Fahrer holt euch in Labuan Bajo ab. Er spricht einfaches englisch.

TODO is die erste Anlaufstation. Es ist ein traditionelles Dorf.

Cancar ist ein kleines Dorf mit einem umwerfenden Ausbilck auf die Spinnennetz Reisfelder

Ruteng ist eine kühle Stadt umgeben von wunderschönen Reisfeldern in den Hängen gelegen.

In Ruteng bleibt ihr über Nacht.

2. Tag

In Golo Curu habt ihr einen spektakulären Ausblick auf die Berge, Reisfelder und Täler

Ranamese ist ein kleiner See mit einem netten Platz für ein Picknick umgeben von mit Dschungel bewachsenen Bergen.

Aimere ist ein Ort in dem lokaler Wein traditionell hergestellt wird.

Bena liegt am Fusse des Berges Inerie. Here gibt es eine Stelle, wo sich geschützte Steine befinden.

Bajawa ist ein hervorragendes Ausgangspunkt, um die interessantesten Plätze im Land und das traditionelle Dorf der Ngada zu erkunden.

Soa ist eine grosse heisse Quelle umgeben von einenm kleinen Wald

Die Nacht verbringt ihr in Bajawa

3. Tag Nanga Panda bekannt für seine grünen Steine.

Ende ist ein erholsamer Ort umgeben von wunderschönen Bergen.

Detusuko ein traditioneller Fruchtmarkt

Moni, ein kleines Dorf, ab wo es zu den Three Color Lake (3 Farben-See) am Kelimutu Vulan geht.

4. Tag

Früh morgens besteigt ihr den Vulkan und beobachtet einen traumhaften Sonnenaufgang am 3 Farben See von einem Punkt am Krater

Wolowaru ist ein Dorf welches als Zentrum der Ikat Weberei in der Region gilt

Maumere, eine Hafenstadt im Osten von Flores

Exploring new dive sites KOMODO Special (10 D/ 9 N), !!

15th - 24th March KOMODO Special (10 D/ 9 N), exploring new dive sites!!

Art.Nr.: PD-01871

ab 1.650,00 €

15th - 24th March KOMODO Special (10 D/ 9 N), exploring new dive sites!!

incl. full board, AC cabins private shower & toilet, soft drinks, mineral water, tea & coffee,

towels, land-excursions, European cruise director.

Ab / bis Anlegestelle. gern buchen wir euch den Transfer hinzu.

Cruise for Divers

Unlimited diving inclusive € 1.650

Ein traditioneller Pinisi Schooner

gefertigt aus Eisenholz und Teakholz

Motorsegler, 2 Master, Gaff Rig - Pinisi System

Länge: 30 m

Deckänge: 24 m

Breite: 6,50 m

Gross Tonnage: 73, Net Tonnage 58

Segelfläche: 270 Quadratmeter


Alle Kabinen mit WC/Dusche und Aircondition


Zwei 2er Kabinen

Zwei 3er Kabinen

Eine 4er Kabine

max. 12 Personen

Crew: 10: Kapitän, Mechaniker, Koch, Deckhands, Kellner


Liegeplaetze: Bali & Komodo

Motorleistung: 270 PS, Mitsubishi 8 Zylinder

Durchschnittliche Reisegeschwindigkeit 8 Knoten

Ausstattung: Funk, GPS, Fishfinder, Satelliten-Telefon

3 Generatoren (27KW, 12KW, 5KW)

220V u 12V Steckdosen in allen Kabinen

2 Tauchkompressoren Bauer Mariner

12l Alu Tanks, Gewichte, Tauchausruestungen.

TV / CD / DVD / i-Pod / Notebook / Videoprojektor

2 Beiboote: 4,50m 40PS & 3,80m 25PS outboard

2 Rettungsboote für je 15 Personen

4 Penn Angeln mit allem Zubehör

Sound & Licht System für Parties

7000 l Frischwasser

8 Tonnen Diesel, 600l Benzin

Abwassertank 1,4 Tonnen

Bibliothek mit Büchern in mehreren Sprachen

Komplette 1. Hilfe Box

Frischwasserdusche an Deck (heisses Wasser auf Anfrage!)

Safe für Wertsachen


Matratzen für Abenteurer die an Deck schlafen

MOANA Cruise Price Special 8 days / 7 nights KOMODO - Bali

MOANA Cruise Price Special 8 days / 7 nights 1.3. - 8.3. KOMODO - Bali incl. full board,

AC cabins private shower & toilet, soft drinks, mineral water, tea & coffee, towels, land-excursions,

European cruise director

Art.Nr.: PD-01870

ab 1.300,00 €

1.150,00 €

deine Ersparnis

Ab Stück Preis:/Stück Ersparnis

Special 1 1.150,00 € 150,00 €

MOANA Cruise Price Special

8 days / 7 nights

incl. full board, AC cabins private shower & toilet, soft drinks, mineral water, tea & coffee,

towels, land-excursions, European cruise director.

Ab / bis Anlegestelle. gern buchen wir euch den Transfer hinzu.

Cruise for Divers & Non-Divers

Unlimited diving inclusive € 1.500

1.3. - 8.3. KOMODO - Bali

incl. full board, AC cabins private shower & toilet, soft drinks, mineral water, tea & coffee,

towels, land-excursions, European cruise director

Ein traditioneller Pinisi Schooner

gefertigt aus Eisenholz und Teakholz

Motorsegler, 2 Master, Gaff Rig - Pinisi System

Länge: 30 m

Deckänge: 24 m

Breite: 6,50 m

Gross Tonnage: 73, Net Tonnage 58

Segelfläche: 270 Quadratmeter


Alle Kabinen mit WC/Dusche und Aircondition


Zwei 2er Kabinen

Zwei 3er Kabinen

Eine 4er Kabine

max. 12 Personen

Crew: 10: Kapitän, Mechaniker, Koch, Deckhands, Kellner


Liegeplaetze: Bali & Komodo

Motorleistung: 270 PS, Mitsubishi 8 Zylinder

Durchschnittliche Reisegeschwindigkeit 8 Knoten

Ausstattung: Funk, GPS, Fishfinder, Satelliten-Telefon

3 Generatoren (27KW, 12KW, 5KW)

220V u 12V Steckdosen in allen Kabinen

2 Tauchkompressoren Bauer Mariner

12l Alu Tanks, Gewichte, Tauchausruestungen.

TV / CD / DVD / i-Pod / Notebook / Videoprojektor

2 Beiboote: 4,50m 40PS & 3,80m 25PS outboard

2 Rettungsboote für je 15 Personen

4 Penn Angeln mit allem Zubehör

Sound & Licht System für Parties

7000 l Frischwasser

8 Tonnen Diesel, 600l Benzin

Abwassertank 1,4 Tonnen

Bibliothek mit Büchern in mehreren Sprachen

Komplette 1. Hilfe Box

Frischwasserdusche an Deck (heisses Wasser auf Anfrage!)


Komodo National Park

Komodo National Park
  1. Bubu Awards 2009 Competition Blog Komodo National Park KNP
  2. Seven Miracle World (Komodo National Park) KNP
  3. Regional City Komodo National Park KNP
  4. Beautiful Bali KNP
  6. Natural beauty and Komodo National Park Animals KNP
  8. World Figure Komodo National Park KNP
  9. Locations visited compulsory KNP
  10. How To Reach Location KNP
  11. Komodo Adventure 4 Days 3 Nights KNP
  12. Komodo Island KNP
  13. Place overnight KNP
  15. The Muvie Komodo KNP
  16. Komodo Tours Via Labuan Bajo KNP
  17. Komodo Diving Cruise KNP
  18. Original residents Komodo National Park KNP
  20. The Komodo National Park KNP
  21. Bali Eye Balloon: beautiful Bali through air balloon KNP
  22. Wild Catz Bar Cafe and Lounge Legian KNP
  23. Komodo Adventure Tours KNP